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Mias globala pressfunktioner

  • primatv


    Cea mai recentă procedură de mărire a sânilor a fost adusă pentru prima dată în România

    Un corp armonios este un ideal pe care orice femeie vrea să îl atingă. Din fericire trăim vremuri în care putem obține aspectul fizic dorit rapid și fără durere. Și mai nou în doar câteva minute. Cea mai recentă procedură de mărire a sânilor a fost adusă pentru prima dată în România, într-o clinică medicală, iar doamnele sunt încântate. 

    Av Prima TV

    okt 29, 2024

  • tvshow


    Premieră națională în estetica sânilor


    Premieră națională în estetica sânilor. mărire cu implant injectabil. Doctorul Stan, despre arta înfrumusețării.

    Invitatul emisiunii: Dr. Constantin Stan, chirurg estetician, fondatorul Cronos Med.

    Av Sistemul Medikal

    okt 24, 2024

  • MIAfemt campaign


    The “lunch-break boob job”

    Originally developed to reconstruct distorted noses and shattered jaws during World War I, plastic surgery has undergone its own face lift to focus on elective cosmetic procedures. With 18.8 million non-surgical procedures performed worldwide in 2022 compared to 14.9 million surgical, the public are looking to achieve results without going under the knife.

    Today, plastic surgery journeys are no stranger to a social media platform, with trending hashtags like #boobjobs and #boobjobreveal going up a cup by the day. This normalisation of cosmetic surgery from Gen Z influencers has now opened a new realm of total body autonomy, creating a fresh view of body confidence.

    Av Aesthetic Medicine​

    okt 01, 2024

  • nordiska


    Så får du naturliga och diskreta resultat med den senaste tekniken inom bröstutfyllnad – utan synliga ärr

    Nordiska Kliniken erbjuder ett brett urval av estetiska behandlingar, från de mest subtila injektionerna och hudvård till avancerad plastikkirurgi. Detta gör det möjligt för varje patient att få en skräddarsydd behandlingsplan som är anpassad efter just deras individuella behov och önskemål. Kliniken är känd för sitt helhetskoncept, där alla aspekter av patientens skönhet och välbefinnande tas i beaktande.

    Av Story News

    sep 30, 2024

  • testimonial


    I’ve never had Botox but I was the fourth person in the UK to have a ‘lunch-hour boob job’

    I’d felt self conscious of my flat chest all my life, but a ‘15-minute’ injectable boob job has boosted my mood as well as my cup size.

    Av Telegraph

    sep 29, 2024

  • miafemtech


    Mia Injectable Breast Implants Arrive in the UK

    Mia is a patented, minimally-invasive breast harmonisation surgery promising accessibility and ease underpinned by clinical excellence.  Now, marking a significant and highly anticipated moment in the field of breast harmonisation surgery, this breakthrough procedure has now launched in the UK. Deemed internationally as the future of breast surgery, Mia offers a unique experience that brings balance and harmony while removing many of the obstacles of traditional breast surgery.

    Av PBL Magazine

    sep 10, 2024

  • miafemt


    You can now get breast implants in your lunch break with the world’s first injectable breast implant procedure

    Erin Alexander received the world's first injectable breast implant procedure. On Tuesdays This Morning host Josie Gibson and Rylan Clarke were joined by plastic surgeon Dr Adrian Richards from iQonic Aesthetics, London - the only surgeon in the UK to perform this procedure - and his cosmetic patient Erin.  

    Av National Word

    aug 14, 2024

  • thismorningtvshow


    15-Minute Boob Job: Revolutionary Injectable Implants Hit the UK

    It’s the most popular cosmetic procedure in the UK. But if the thought of invasive surgery and weeks of recovery has so far put you off getting a boob job - there’s a new procedure that could offer the same results in just 15 minutes, with next to no post-operative pain. As the first injectable implants come to the UK - just how good is it? We’re joined by consultant plastic surgeon Dr Adrian Richards, who’s one of the first consultants to offer the treatment in the UK. He joins us alongside Erin, who got the treatment done two weeks ago.

    Av This Morning

    aug 13, 2024

  • doctor


    I went from a cup size B to a C in 15 minutes with the world's first ever injectable breast implant procedure

    A woman received the world's first ever injectable breast implant procedure, which brought her from a small cup size B to a C in 15 minutes. 

    Erin Alexander and plastic surgeon Dr Adrian Richards, from iQonic Aesthetics, London, who is one of the first doctors in the UK to offer the procedure, joined Josie Gibson and Rylan Clark on This Morning on Tuesday.

    Av Daily Mail

    aug 13, 2024

  • fotobañador


    Cosmetic surgeons weigh in on the first-ever injectable breast implants

    Traditional breast augmentation is seemingly on the decline – with the latest cosmetic surgery audits showing a 27 per cent fall in its popularity here in the UK alongside a smaller, two per cent drop-off in North America (where, simultaneously, breast implant removals went up nine per cent).

    That said, what’s commonly referred to as the ‘boob job’ remains the top surgical procedure both here and across the pond, which perhaps speaks to the increasing interest in achieving ‘aesthetic harmony’ – a move identified in a new report published by the nonprofit American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Alongside a desire for subtle enhancements that maintain a harmonious silhouette, patients are now “opting for procedures that offer natural-looking results, enhancing their overall body proportions,” it reads.

    Av MSN

    aug 07, 2024

  • harpersbazarindia


    Cosmetic surgeons weigh in on the first-ever injectable breast implants

    Traditional breast augmentation is seemingly on the decline—with the latest cosmetic surgery audits showing a 27 per cent fall in its popularity here in the UK alongside a smaller, two per cent drop-off in North America (where, simultaneously, breast implant removals went up nine per cent). 

    That said, what’s commonly referred to as the ‘boob job’ remains the top surgical procedure both here and across the pond, which perhaps speaks to the increasing interest in achieving ‘aesthetic harmony’—a move identified in a new report published by the nonprofit American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Alongside a desire for subtle enhancements that maintain a harmonious silhouette, patients are now “opting for procedures that offer natural-looking results, enhancing their overall body proportions,” it reads.

    Av Harper's Bazaar India

    aug 03, 2024

  • miafemtech


    The First Injectable Breast Implants Are Here

    Mia Femtech is pioneering a new era in breast augmentation with the world’s first injectable breast implants.This innovative procedure, which enhances breast volume by up to two cup sizes, is both minimally invasive and designed to preserve the natural tissue for results that are both natural and harmonious.

    Av Beauty News Daily

    jul 24, 2024

  • mia1


    Mia Femtech unveils first ever injectable breast implant

    Aesthetic treatment company Mia Femtech has introduced the Mia minimally invasive injectable breast implants.The company explains that the injectable implants can be delivered in 15 minutes without the need for general anaesthesia or a scalpel, with the total appointment taking only 90 minutes. They use biocompatible surface technology promote a low inflammatory response, low friction and low bacterial attachment.

    Av Aesthetics Journal

    jul 22, 2024

  • Harper's Bazaar


    Cosmetic surgeons weigh in on the first-ever injectable breast implants

    Traditional breast augmentation is seemingly on the decline – with the latest cosmetic surgery audits showing a 27 per cent fall in its popularity here in the UK alongside a smaller, two per cent drop-off in North America

    Av Harper's Bazaar

    jul 08, 2024

  • mum and kid


    Descubre Mia Femtech, una experiencia innovadora para la armonización del pecho

    La Medicina Estética avanza día a día, y en un entorno como es la armonización de pecho, más. Hablamos con el doctor Jorge Planas, experto en remodelación de pecho de Clínica Planas sobre las técnicas más nuevas. Porque ya existen unos procedimientos más sencillos, que no dejan marcas, que consiguen resultados más naturales (incluso al tacto), que no exigen anestesia general y que te permiten reincorporarte al trabajo el mismo día en que has armonizado tu pecho. ¡Y no es ciencia ficción!

    Av ELLE

    maj 17, 2024

  • Women Using My Breast Harmony


    Descubre Mia Femtech: la solución innovadora y de vanguardia que fortalece el bienestar físico y mental de las mujeres

    Toda mujer sabe lo importante que es verse y sentirse bien, tanto por fuera como por dentro. Y, de verdad, es posible lograr la armonía emocional y estética que necesitas. La actriz y empresaria Núria Tomás lo ha conseguido con la ayuda de Mia FemtechTM, cuyo propósito es empoderar a las mujeres para que encuentren un equilibrio en su bienestar físico y mental.

    Av ELLE

    feb 14, 2024

  • jessica lagergren om kroppen man behover inte tycka om alla forandringar


    Jessica Lagergren om kroppen: “Man behöver inte tycka om alla förändringar”

    Osäker och aldrig helt vän med sin kropp. Jessica Lagergren, 38, tyckte till en början om sina små bröst, men efter två graviditeter känner hon annorlunda.

    Av Expressen

    dec 29, 2023

  • valeria om relationen till sin kropp jag behandlar den med karlek och respekt


    Valeria om relationen till sin kropp: “Jag behandlar den med kärlek och respekt”

    Ett naturligt resultat med minimalt invasiv procedur och kort återhämtningstid. Det var några faktorer som spelade in när Valeria valde metod för att ändra storlek och harmonisera sina bröst.

    Av Expressen

    dec 29, 2023

  • jenny om kroppen efter viktnedgangen jag saknar verkligen mina fylliga brost


    Jenny om kroppen efter viktnedgången: “Jag saknar verkligen mina fylliga bröst

    Ett naturligt resultat med minimalt invasiv procedur och kort återhämtningstid. Det var några faktorer som spelade in när Valeria valde metod för att ändra storlek och harmonisera sina bröst.

    Av Expressen

    dec 29, 2023

  • ffitpilates y autocuidado clase magistral de fuerza y resiliencia


    Sesión exclusiva de Ffitpilates con Cocó Constans, Mia Femtech y TELVA

    Viajamos hasta Barcelona para acudir a la sesión exclusiva de Ffitpilates con Cocó Constans, Mia Femtech y TELVA.

    Av Telva

    nov 08, 2023

  • una conversacion abierta sobre nuestro pecho y su cuidado


    Mia Femtech: rompiendo tabúes sobre el pecho y su cuidado

    Aunque hoy en día sean muchas las mujeres que se someten a una intervención estética, hay todavía un gran estigma hacia ello y mucha presión social. Es por ello que Mia FemtechTM busca empoderar a las...

    Av Telva

    nov 06, 2023

  • die-asthetik-der-zukunft



    Der Ästhetik-Bereich entwickelt sich mit wissenschaftlich fundierten Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Frauengesundheit.

    Av Forbes

    okt 18, 2023

  • innovacion y tecnologia mujeres frente al espejo


    ELLE Talks: ‘Innovación y tecnología: Mujeres frente al espejo’

    Reunimos a una psicóloga, una modelo, una doctora y una directora senior para debatir sobre la autoimagen, la autoestima y la necesidad de contar con soluciones saludables para cambiar aquello que no nos...

    Av ELLE

    sep 29, 2023

  • snabbvaxande femtech vi skapar en ny bransch som satter kvinnor i forsta rummet


    Snabbväxande FemTech: ”Vi skapar en ny bransch som sätter kvinnor i första rummet”

    Från ett litet garage i Costa Rica till ett globalt företag. Establishment Labs resa startade 2004. Idag är företaget börsnoterat och har som mål att nå 500 miljoner dollar i omsättning år 2026.

    Av Dagens industri

    sep 25, 2023

  • press telva


    Mia Femtech is an innovative experience that brings harmony to your breasts in 15 minutes

    Nowadays, it seems to be trendy to seek simple and natural beauty treatments. Mia Femtech lets you discover a new way to harmonize your breasts: a high-tech procedure that helps shape your breasts, to

    Av UE Studio, Barcelona

    jul 20, 2023

  • press forbes


    La estética del futuro

    On the horizon, transforming the aesthetics and breast reconstruction industry with innovative, safe and science-backed solutions. All to improve the health and well-being of women.

    Av Ana Portalo

    jun 21, 2023

Get in touch with us for any further requests or comments at: pr@miafemtech.com