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Sådan forbereder du dig til din første aftale med Mia®:
7 tips til at forberede dig på din rejse mod mere harmoniske bryster

juli 31, 2023 · 4 min læst
How to Prepare for your First Mia® Appointment
 blog how to prepare

Du har booket din konsultation og er på vej ind til din Mia®-Klinik. Tillykke, du klarede det! Hvad så nu? Nogle siger, at hemmeligheden bag at komme videre er at komme i gang. Så hvis du har den der Mia®-følelse, venter din bedste date lige om hjørnet. De følgende tips vil helt sikkert hjælpe dig med at få en vellykket første konsultation hos din Mia®-Kirurg, der er certificeret af Establishment Labs®. Så, hvad kan du forvente?

1. Føl dig lyttet til under hvert skridt på vejen

Allerede længe før din konsultationsdag hjælper vi dig, og vi er der for dig fra start til slut. Så snart du træder ind til din konsultation, tager du første skridt mod en enestående og personlig oplevelse. Du vil blive støttet af din kvalificerede kirurg og din Mia®-Støtteperson, som vil hjælpe dig på hele din rejse, lytte til dine behov og sætte sig ind i det liv, du lever. I fællesskab udvikler I en skræddersyet plan, så du kan nyde oplevelsen så meget som muligt og føle dig helt tryg. 

2. Tag det roligt og få en god start

Gør din indre ro til dit højeste mål. Forbered dig på at forkæle dig selv med alenetid. Sæt kryds i kalenderen, og gør dig klar til at blive forkælet. Mød op til din konsultation i god tid, så du kan føle dig godt tilpas og være forberedt på at nyde oplevelsen.

3. Dyk ned og lav lidt research

Lav din egen research, og surf rundt på vores hjemmeside for at lære mere om Mia®. Du vil blive fortrolig med de enkelte dele, og hvad du kan forvente af oplevelsen og processen. Disse oplysninger vil hjælpe dig med at afklare nogle af dine spørgsmål og forberede dig på din konsultationsdag. Læs mere 

What you should expect from the Mia® experience

  • Experience 1
    Dedicated Mia® Concierge assisting you throughout your entire journey
  • Experience 2
    Tailored Plan: Your concierge will listen and learn about your lifestyle and desires
  • Experience 3
    Performed only by Mia® Certified Plastic Surgeons
  • Experience 4
    Mia® Certified Clinic for the best high-end experience
  • Experience 5
    Certification of authenticity through a unique Mia® NFT Coverage Program

What you should expect from the Mia® procedure

  • breast icon
    Breast harmonization for one to two cups up with natural and discreet proportional results1
  • calendar
    Resume your busy life on the same day of your procedure**
  • diploma icon
    Exclusive high-tech system for a patented minimally invasive procedure1
  • clock icon
    A 15-minute procedure1* without general anesthesia2
  • heart and hand icon
    Breast tissue preservation technique with small, concealed scars1


4. Talk Openly to your Surgeon

This key starting point enables you to achieve your desired look and feel. Plus, it will make you feel more confident with your Mia® Experience. Don’t feel afraid to ask any necessary questions or to express any doubts and concerns. If you feel unsure about speaking to your surgeon, practice what you want to say and be aware that your doctor has been trained to talk openly.1 Get the ball rolling!

5. Prepare for your Appointment: Take Notes Before and During your Consultation

A checklist always comes in handy, so roll up your sleeves! Start by prioritizing your concerns while considering your medical history and any topics you'd like to discuss. Include your lifestyle activities and any other questions you may have. For instance, the desired breast shape and cup, what support you may require from your Mia® Concierge, warranty programs, and anything else you'd like to know. Bear in mind that there are no wrong questions, just the ones that are never asked. Remember, any relevant information you'd like to discuss is always welcome by your specialist. Once in the consultation, writing some notes is advantageous and allows you to review this information in depth later.

6. Fly Solo or Bring a Companion Along

Some clinics allow consumers to bring a friend or a family member to their consultation. This can be helpful as your companion can remind you to make specific questions or allows you both to tag-team asking questions. This can also make you feel more comfortable. Alternatively, you may opt to go by yourself after sharing your questions with a trustworthy person before your appointment.

7. Unleash body harmony

Unwind and let the Mia® Experience surprise you with natural1, discreet and proportional results1. Stay true to your essence and delve into a new whole world of true harmony for body-mind balance!

How's your preparation for your first consultation going? Got any burning questions? We're all ears and eager to hear from you! Share with us

  1. Bowman D, Cushing A. Ethical practice and clinical communication. In: Feather A, Randall D, Waterhouse M, eds. Kumar and Clarke's Clinical Medicine. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 
  2. Establishment Labs®. Data på arkiv. CLINR-001018.